A Hawk! No wait, a Sunset!
/5 Comments/in HDR, Murfreesboro, Tennessee, Photo Adventures, Scenic/Landscape/Waterscape, Sunset/Sunrise /by MalcolmSo the family and I were riding home after a competitive game of disc golf at a local park, when I glanced at a field we were passing and I noticed a very large Red Tailed Hawk sitting on a hay bale.
We turned around, and I thought I would get out of the car down the road some and walk to a tree line to see if I could get a shot of the hawk. Well, we stopped a little closer than I wanted and as soon as I made it to the edge of the road, the hawk flew away. I believe he was watching me as soon as the car stopped! I continued on to the tree line to see if could find where he flew to but I saw him soaring far away.
By now, 10-15 minutes had passed and, as I began to head back to the car (where my wife and kids were waiting), I noticed the sky was really taking shape to produce a nice sunset. I convinced them we needed to stay a few more minutes, and this is the result:
I had to get one more as we drove away!
The Murfreesboro Greenway
/0 Comments/in Misc Birds, Murfreesboro, Tennessee, Photo Adventures, Scenic/Landscape/Waterscape, Sunset/Sunrise, Wildlife /by MalcolmMy latest photo walk was on the greenway that runs throughout Murfreesboro. The trail follows the Stones River, along roads, through parks…. All over town. We parked at the General Bragg Trailhead (1540 W. College St.) and only walked for a mile or so.
Here is what I got along the way…
Thanks for looking!
Oaklands Historic House
/2 Comments/in Black and White, HDR, Murfreesboro, Tennessee, Photo Adventures, Sunset/Sunrise /by MalcolmRecently, the company I work for has started a competition for all the employees. We are all wearing pedometers and reporting how many steps we take each day. The competition is sponsored by our health insurance company.
So, in an effort to get more steps each day, I’ve been visiting more places around town and walking around with my camera. One of those places was the Oaklands Historic House. The house is closed in the evenings but we were able to walk around the grounds and get shots of the exterior.
None of these shots actually show the house so if you are interested, here is a shot of the house I got earlier this year
More info on the house can be found HERE
Thanks for looking!
Murfree Springs Wetlands – The Water Lilies
/2 Comments/in Murfree Springs Wetlands, Murfreesboro, Tennessee /by MalcolmMurfree Springs Wetlands – The Ducks
/1 Comment/in Murfree Springs Wetlands, Murfreesboro, Tennessee, Water Fowl, Wildlife /by MalcolmMore for my Murfree Springs Wetlands series. The last post for this series featured the Night Herons that can be found there, this post will feature the Ducks!
All these shots were taken this summer at the Murfree Springs Wetlands, in Murfreesboro Tennessee
Thanks for looking!
Murfree Springs Wetlands – The Night Herons
/1 Comment/in Misc Birds, Murfree Springs Wetlands, Murfreesboro, Tennessee, Wildlife /by MalcolmI’ve decided to try to post more series, my last post was the start of my Back Yard Fun series (that one for Humming Birds) — So here’s another series I will start – photos taken at the Murfree Springs Wetlands, at the Discovery Center in Murfreesboro.
Most everyone already knows how much I enjoy Radnor Lake, another spot I visit frequently is the Discovery Center in Murfreesboro (much closer to home!). There’s a playground there so the kids love it, and there are always Ducks, Herons, Birds, Dragonflies, Flowers….. All sorts of things for a photographer to shoot.
In this post, I’ll feature the Night Herons. All the shots were taken this summer:
Back Yard Fun – Humming Birds
/3 Comments/in Back Yard Fun, Humming Birds, Murfreesboro, Tennessee, Wildlife /by MalcolmI have so many pictures that I don’t really know what to do with! I’m going to try to make a few more posts here for some of my “Random” shots. This is one series I’ll be posting over the next couple of weeks – Back Yard Fun. Because there are so many, I’ll break it up into groups
This first group is Humming Birds. We are lucky enough to have several humming birds this year (I’ve counted as many as 4 at one time). They’re pretty easy to get close to. I usually just pull out a chair and sit and wait. They always show up soon!
Stormy Tuesday
/2 Comments/in Black and White, Murfreesboro, Tennessee, Photo Adventures, Scenic/Landscape/Waterscape /by MalcolmOn my way home from work yesterday, July 13, I stopped to get a few shots of a rain storm.
You could actually see where it was raining and which direction the storm was moving. I sat and watched it move left to right in front of me.
I pulled out the zoom lens for this one. The sun was setting behind me and was not obstructed by clouds so the light on the green farm was amazing! It really made the green glow against the dark bluish gray sky
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