Amy and Bob

I met up with Amy and Bob last Saturday for an engagement shoot. They are getting married December 31st in Key West Florida. Very nice couple and I really enjoyed spending the morning with them. I wish them all the best!

These two met when Amy’s car broke down, Bob was there to help. These photos were to remind them of that!

The Williams Family

I’m a little behind on my posts here. I have a couple of portrait sessions to share from the last few weeks. First, I’ll share some photos I took of the Williams family. Father Tim Williams is the new Rector at Holy Cross Anglican Church in Franklin Tennessee.

This Week at the Lake – 36/52

So here’s a first for my Radnor Lake project! I was at the lake for the sunrise last Saturday and I actually saw 3 beavers swimming around near the shore. I watched one of them eat, then I took this shot of one that swam close to me. I think that’s when they realized I was there because the started swimming in circles and hitting their tails on the water.

I got a few other shots early that morning:

After that, I met up with a few people from the Nashville Photography Meetup Group as well as a few people I met in the Radnor Lake Group on flickr. Half way around the lake, we had a Red Tailed hawk fly right by us! He landed in a tree a ways away. When we caught up to him, he took off chasing a bird:
This is the best I could get this time. Before this project is through I’m going to get a good shot of one of these hawks…

I little while later, we spotted this barred owl:

(Thanks to Scott, aka Mugmar for the extra reach on this shot. He let me borrow his 100-400 for a few minutes)

Other shots from later in the week:

And that’s it for the week!

Thanks for looking!

Check out all the previous weeks by Clicking HERE

Don’t miss a week! Subscribe to this blog and you will receive an email every time I post something new!

Malcolm MacGregor Photography is now on Facebook, check it out and become a fan!

All of the “This Week at the Lake” photos are available for purchase as fine art prints and a portion of the proceeds will be donated to the Friends of Radnor Lake! Send me an email for more info (

This Week at the Lake – 35/52

I figured this was an appropriate lead shot this week as we enter November and get closer to Thanksgiving!

I’m posting late today because I got up early this morning to go to…… Radnor Lake! I met up with a few people from the Nashville Photography Meetup Group as well as a few people I met in the Radnor Lake Group on flickr. Lot’s of fun, and good to meet some more photographers. I’ll have those pictures up for next weeks post.

For this week I was only able to visit twice, Wednesday and Thursday. I didn’t get much Wednesday morning because shortly after I got on Otter Creek Road it started to rain on me. Here is what I got before the rains came:

The rest of my shots all came on Thursday. I took a half day off work because it was my sons birthday. I had a few hours to kill before he got home so I headed to the lake. Here is what I came away with on Thursday:

I know I take a lot of these type shots but I really like them!

The clouds starting rolling in right about the time I got to this overlook. They really made for a great lakescape.

One of the few times this lens ever comes off my camera!

I saw this guy sitting there so I would take a shot and then take a couple steps toward him, take another shot and then another couple steps. Just trying to see how close I could get. I think I could have gotten closer but some other hikers came up behind me and he ran off.

Not the best shot, but I had to put this up for the Brentwood Police Captain I was talking to. We were both watching the HUGE buck for a while. He was down in a ravine and never came closer to the path.

More turkeys

One of my favorites from the week….

And that’s it for the week!

Thanks for looking!

Check out all the previous weeks by Clicking HERE

Don’t miss a week! Subscribe to this blog and you will receive an email every time I post something new!

Malcolm MacGregor Photography is now on Facebook, check it out and become a fan!

All of the “This Week at the Lake” photos are available for purchase as fine art prints and a portion of the proceeds will be donated to the Friends of Radnor Lake! Send me an email for more info (


While I was shooting (photo shooting of course!) the Pets at Petmed (from the previous post), this guy was watching. Every once in a while I would snag a few shots of him. I’m glad I did as I think they were my best shots of the day!

Petmed Pets

Petmed, an animal hospital in Antioch Tennessee, asked me to stop by last Saturday to get some photos of some of the employees’ pets. It was a fun afternoon and I think we got some good stuff! Here are a few, more are available on my Facebook page.

Thanks to all those who participated!

This Week at the Lake – 34/52

This week is all about the fall color at Radnor Lake. I’d say the color has peaked this week. There is mostly yellow, but also some bright reds and deep oranges. It’s a beautiful time to be walking the trails…

A couple more shots I wanted to share that don’t have to do with the fall color:
This is a single exposure (30 sec) with a Graduated neutral density filter. Not something I do often but wanted to try it “non-hdr”.

Also, a couple black and whites that don’t fit with the “Fall Color” theme:

And that’s it for the week!

Thanks for looking!

Check out all the previous weeks by Clicking HERE

Don’t miss a week! Subscribe to this blog and you will receive an email every time I post something new!

Malcolm MacGregor Photography is now on Facebook, check it out and become a fan!

All of the “This Week at the Lake” photos are available for purchase as fine art prints and a portion of the proceeds will be donated to the Friends of Radnor Lake! Send me an email for more info (

How I Did It – Part 6

Time for another tutorial!

In this post I’ll show you everything I did to turn this:

into this:

Really not that different is it? But I actually spent a lot of time on those “minor” changes.
This is an HDR, so that means I started out with 3 separate exposures by bracketing the camera at (-2, 0, +2). Here are the 3 exposures:



First thing to do is open these 3 RAW images into Photomatix. I use Photomatix for all of my HDR’s. If you are interested in buying Photomatix, use the coupon code “malcolmphoto” for a 15% discount! It’s already at a great price ($99) and even better with the discount.

Once Photomatix has finished processing, I’ll tonemap it using the “Details Enhancer” option

(just noticed my screen grab cuts off the top of the settings, the two that are cut off are Strength @ 100, and Saturation @ 82)

Now we head to Photoshop…

So here we are, and the first thing I want to do is get rid of all that yellow. I thought I liked the saturation levels in Photomatix, but changed my mind – so I open a saturation adjustment layer and decreased the overall saturation quite a bit:

Next I open a Levels adjustment layer:
Here I clicked and dragged the little black triangle on the left in until the “mountain” started. I also wanted to lighten the image some, so I slid the gray triangle to the left some.

Next I add a typical Curves adjustment layer to slightly increase contrast:

There are so many different ways to do the same thing in photoshop. I was really trying to lighten this image so I did a Brightness/Contrast adjustment layer. I increased both amounts a little. This really has a similar affect on the image as a curves adjustment or a layers adjustment.

Now, I still was not happy with all the yellow in the ceiling so I opened another saturation adjustment layer:
Notice that I used the drop down menu and selected “Reds” – this will desaturate only the reds in the image. I also desaturated the yellows by the same amount (not shown). Also notice that I didn’t want to desaturate all of the image. So after I made the adjustment, I filled the layer mask with black. I then grabbed a soft, white, low opacity brush and “painted” white back on the layer mask over the areas that I wanted desaturated.

Next, I still wanted the image brighter in some parts so I opened a new layer and filled it with 50% gray. Once you do that, put the layer in “Overlay” blend mode. You’ll see that the gray “disappears”. Now, grab a very low opacity (for this I usually set it to less than 10%) and paint on the layer with white or black. White being areas that you want to lighten and black being areas that you want to darken.

Next I wanted to increase saturation to enhance the stain glass windows. So, open a saturation adjustment layer and slide the saturation to the right. Fill the layer mask with black and paint over the windows with white (making sure you are painting on the layer mask).

Now I want to straighten it by going to Filter, Lens corrections:

Now it’s looking better!
Only a few things left. The next thing I did was run a noise reduction filter. I use a plug in from Imagenomic

And finally I sharpen using Filter, sharpen, unsharpen mask:

And that’s it!
Here is the final product

Thanks for looking! I hope you found this helpful. Please ask questions if you have them, I’ll try by best to answer.

See all my other tutorials HERE

I’m on Facebook! Check it out and become a fan!

If you want to know “How I Did It” for any photo on my flickr photostream, leave me a comment on this page or send me an email. I’ll be glad to make it my next “How I Did It” entry!

Also, as I mentioned in my first How I did It post, here are some helpful links for learning more about HDR:
Stuck in Customs
HDR Exposed
HDR (a flickr group)
Tutorial Collection at My First HDR flickr group

Helpful links for learning more about Photoshop:
Photoshop Support Group
Photoshop Tutorials by Allan Gengler
Actions by Allan Gengler
CoffeeShop Actions

Sewanee – The University of the South

Last Saturday I met up with a few local photographers and headed down to Sewanee, Tennessee and the University of the South.

We were in search of fall color but came across All Saints’ Chapel. It was an amazing building with beautiful stained glass windows and awesome architecture. The photos don’t even begin to represent just how incredible it was.

(Click HERE for a complete tutorial for this image!)

Here are some others from the Campus of the University of the South:

Here is some fall color I got on the trip as well:

This Week at the Lake – 33/52

Not much to write about this week – I visited Radnor Lake on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. I was very excited to spot this huge buck on Thursday at about mid-day. Here is another of the same buck crossing the hiking trail:

There’s another to check off the wish list! Now if only I could see a bald eagle I’d be just about done with that list!

Wednesday was an early morning trip:

Other miscellaneous shots from the week:

And that’s it for the week!

Thanks for looking!

Check out all the previous weeks by Clicking HERE

Don’t miss a week! Subscribe to this blog and you will receive an email every time I post something new!

Malcolm MacGregor Photography is now on Facebook, check it out and become a fan!

All of the “This Week at the Lake” photos are available for purchase as fine art prints and a portion of the proceeds will be donated to the Friends of Radnor Lake! Send me an email for more info (