What a tough week to pick a lead shot, I wanted to put all of these first! Tuesday and Wednesday morning were both stormy/rainy which made for some great HDR conditions. Here are some others from those two mornings:

It’s me 🙂
A couple of other non-hdr from Wednesday morning:

Who says turtles are slow!? This guy was moving quickly across the path

The sun was back out in full force on Thursday. I spent my entire lunch break there trying to capture a leaf in mid air falling from a tree. It took around 100 shots but I finally got this one:

Not exactly the composition I wanted but I am more than happy to settle for it! A very tough shot to get…
I went back Friday at lunch and just wanted to capture some fall color:

And that’s it for the week!
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All of the “This Week at the Lake” photos are available for purchase as fine art prints and a portion of the proceeds will be donated to the Friends of Radnor Lake! Send me an email for more info (m_macgregor@comcast.net)