Radnor Lake Sunrise
/0 Comments/in HDR, Nashville, Tennessee, Radnor Lake, Scenic/Landscape/Waterscape, Sunset/Sunrise, Tennessee State Parks /by MalcolmJanuary’s “New Spot” – Poole Knobs Recreation Area on Percy Priest Lake
/2 Comments/in HDR, New Spot 2012, Photo Adventures, Scenic/Landscape/Waterscape, Sunset/Sunrise, Tennessee State Parks /by MalcolmSo this year I’ve decided that I’m going to start a monthly challenge for myself. I find that when I get out to take photos I often head to the locations that I’m familiar with. This year, I’m going to attempt to get to at least one new-to-me location every month. I’m hoping this helps me to find many more great places to shoot in middle Tennessee.
January’s “New Spot” was Poole Knobs Recreation Area. Less than 30 minutes from my house, I can’t believe I’ve never been there. It’s an absolutely beautiful spot and perfect for sunrise photography. There was tons of drift wood and rocks lining the shore of Percy Priest Lake, something you don’t get at the lake I usually shoot – Radnor Lake.
These were all shot early one Sunday morning in January. Enjoy!
If you have an idea for a place you’d like to see me shoot, let me know! Leave a comment here or send me an email!
Most of these photos are HDR photos processed with Photomatix. If you are interested in creating HDR photos like these, you can get a 15% percent discount on Photomatix by using the Coupon Code “MALCOLMPHOTO” – Read this blog post for more information!
Thanks for looking!
Radnor Lake
/1 Comment/in Fall, HDR, Nashville, Tennessee, Photo Adventures, Radnor Lake, Scenic/Landscape/Waterscape, Sunset/Sunrise, Tennessee State Parks /by MalcolmThe last couple of months I’ve visited Radnor Lake in Nashville a few times watching fall arrive. No need to write much, I’ll just show the photos 🙂
Here are a few shots I’ve collected during those visits:
Just a reminder – most of my photos can be purchased online by clicking here!
Thanks for looking!
The Blue Ridge Parkway
/4 Comments/in HDR, Photo Adventures, Scenic/Landscape/Waterscape, Sunset/Sunrise /by MalcolmI recently visited one of the most beautiful areas in the United State, Western North Carolina and East Tennessee. Much of the trip was spent on a portion of the Blue Ridge Parkway. The Blue Ridge Parkway is a scenic road that goes from North Carolina through central Virginia. It is a beautiful drive and I encourage you to check it out!
Here are a few shots I got while on the parkway (all photos were taken near Boone or Blowing Rock North Carolina):
Thanks for looking!
Like what you see? Most of these photos and many others can be purchased at the MMP Store! Click to enter the storefront!
Cades Cove 2011 – Landscapes
/6 Comments/in HDR, Photo Adventures, Scenic/Landscape/Waterscape, Sunset/Sunrise /by MalcolmMy family and I recently returned from a 3 day camping trip to Cades Cove in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. What an absolutely beautiful place! Beautiful scenery and tons of wildlife. We did lot’s of hiking (the kids even did a 5 mile hike!) and lot’s of scenic cruising.
Just like I did last year after visiting the park, I’ll break the posts up into 2 parts: Landscapes and Wildlife.
Don’t forget, all my prints are discounted for the entire month of June (even these shots of Cades Cove!) Head on over to my storefront to browse and order your print!
Thanks for looking!
Thanks for May!
/4 Comments/in Uncategorized /by MalcolmI wanted to thank everyone for their continued support! Malcolm MacGregor Photography and an awesome month of May! To celebrate, I’ve discounted my entire line of prints that are available for sale! They include Landscapes, Sunsets/Sunrises, Wildlife, Radnor Lake, Cades Cove, East Tennesse, Nashville Skyline, and so much more!
Stop on by the online storefront and browse the galleries. The sale lasts the entire month of June! So check back often as I’ll be adding new photos as I get them prepared!
Thanks again!
This Week at the Lake – 51/52
/4 Comments/in Barred Owl (Strix Varia), Black and White, Deer, HDR, Nashville, Tennessee, Radnor Lake, Scenic/Landscape/Waterscape, Sunset/Sunrise, Tennessee State Parks, This Week at the Lake, Wildlife /by MalcolmLast Saturday I got my 6 year old son up extra early for a hike around Radnor Lake. We got there just in time for a great sunrise. I let him use my Rebel XSi (now that I’m on the 7D) and he loved it! He loved walking around with the camera strapped around his neck. I think he took more photos that I did! We saw everything I told him we might see: Barred Owl, Deer, Turkey, Ducks, Geese, Birds, Squirrel, and Chipmunks. Fun morning, something we’ll definitely do again soon…
Here he is shooting some deer:
I’ll have to post some of his photos here sometime
Here is another shot of the sunrise:
This shot looks like something from November. The morning light coming from around the bend was great!
Here are a couple large Bucks we saw:
Here is another Buck taken another morning:
And some more Owl photos from the week:
And that’s it for the week! Next week is the finale! The weather forcast looks good, so let’s hope for something great!!
Thanks for looking!
Check out all the previous weeks by Clicking HERE
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Malcolm MacGregor Photography is on Facebook, check it out and become a fan!
All of the “This Week at the Lake” photos are available for purchase as fine art prints and a portion of the proceeds will be donated to the Friends of Radnor Lake! Send me an email for more info (
This Week at the Lake – 49/52
/0 Comments/in Barred Owl (Strix Varia), HDR, Nashville, Tennessee, Radnor Lake, Scenic/Landscape/Waterscape, Snow, Sunset/Sunrise, Tennessee State Parks, This Week at the Lake, Wildlife /by MalcolmWeek 49 and again I’ve seen something I’ve never seen before. The sunrise this past Wednesday was pretty amazing. The photo just doesn’t do it justice. I almost missed it too. The sky just exploded with color while I was walking along the trail towards a good sunrise spot. I was practically running trying to get to a spot before it was over. I came to the dam bridge and that’s when I got a clear view of the sunrise. There was a beam or column of light shooting straight up. I set up as quick as I could and grabbed the above shot. The beam of light was so bright it’s getting blown out in the bracketed shot. I then grabbed the gear and quickly headed down to the lake shore. From there, the light was starting to dim so I had to hurry to grab a few more shots before the color was completely gone:
Pretty cool…
Also Wednesday morning I got another shot of a Barred Owl
I went back at lunch and only came away with this shot:
I was able to go again Friday morning when I got this
Later in the day, I got this shot:
And that’s it for the week!
Thanks for looking!
Check out all the previous weeks by Clicking HERE
Don’t miss a week! Subscribe to this blog and you will receive an email every time I post something new!
Malcolm MacGregor Photography is on Facebook, check it out and become a fan!
All of the “This Week at the Lake” photos are available for purchase as fine art prints and a portion of the proceeds will be donated to the Friends of Radnor Lake! Send me an email for more info (
This Week at the lake – 48/52
/2 Comments/in Hawks, Misc Birds, Wildlife /by Malcolm48 Weeks in and I get my first hawk photos of this project (not counting the occasional fly over). I believe this is a juvenile Red Tailed Hawk. I’ve been wanting to get a shot of one of these for so long! It was very cold on Thursday but I decided to visit the lake on my lunch break anyway. My fingers nearly froze while I was watching this guy but I got some shots before having to get back to work. The top photo is in HDR, the others are not.
I thought this one was kind of cool…
And here are a couple shots from Wednesday mornings sunrise:
And that’s it for the week!
Thanks for looking!
Check out all the previous weeks by Clicking HERE
Don’t miss a week! Subscribe to this blog and you will receive an email every time I post something new!
Malcolm MacGregor Photography is on Facebook, check it out and become a fan!
All of the “This Week at the Lake” photos are available for purchase as fine art prints and a portion of the proceeds will be donated to the Friends of Radnor Lake! Send me an email for more info (
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