
Machine Falls, Tullahoma TN

My wife and I recently hiked to Machine Falls. It’s a beautiful hike and the falls are truly amazing. The photos don’t really do the size and scope of this waterfall justice. But, I did what I can 🙂 Hope you enjoy…













Found this guy along the trail 🙂



This Week at the Lake – 31/52

I’m getting closer!
For the last couple of weeks, nearly every time I visit around lunch, I’ve seen a hawk flying around. I haven’t been able to catch him in a tree or on the ground yet, but I finally caught him flying close enough to the ground to get a decent shot of him! This is only at 200mm and only cropped a little.

Of course, I had to play around with the photo some, here is a more dramatic lens flare version:

On Thursday, I posted on my Facebook Page about some tones I was working on. Here are a couple shots using very similar tones and processing:

Signs of Fall at the lake!

And Finally, the “mandatory” weekly deer photos:

I got these three shots up on the Ganier Ridge Trail, this week was my first time heading off on that trail…

And that’s it for the week!

Thanks for looking!

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Burgess Falls

This past weekend we visited Burgess Falls State Natural Area. Nothing original here, in fact I had to wait 10 minutes or so while other photographers got this same shot. I only took one shot (the one above) and then switched lenses. When the sun came out there was a rainbow across the falls, but of course once I switched lenses, the sun didn’t come back out. It really was an impressive waterfall, the trails are just too crowded for my liking. Plus, the only good shot you could get of these falls is the same one everyone else has. We took this shot then we went back to the park area to cook out for lunch. After lunch, the kids went to the playground and I went back down the trails. By then, there were tons of people swimming in the water so I never hiked to the bottom because I wouldn’t have wanted a waterfall shot with lots of people in it!
Here are a couple others I got along the way:

This was the stairway leading from the top of the falls to the bottom

And of course, a couple of the kids enjoying the playground:

If you are interested in going to Burgess Falls, check out the map
Fairly easy hikes (my kids made it!) and an impressive waterfall.

Thanks for looking!