
This Week at the Lake – 50/52

When all else fails, process the heck out of it and maybe it will look cool!

I struggled to pick a “lead” shot this week. I had this shot processed without the textures first. After reviewing all the shots I had for the week, I decided to re-edit this with some textures. I liked how it turned out so here it is! I love seeing and hearing these little birds too. They are so loud! I’ve taken tons of pictures of them through out the project so I was happy to have one as a lead shot.

Another favorite of the week was this one:

But it was way too similar to Week 46‘s lead shot.

Here are some others from the week:

This Red-Tailed Hawk landed pretty close to me. I was trying to hide behind a tree hoping he would come closer but he eventually flew off. All I got of him is from this view with that branch in the way 🙁

Loved the light here…

Another Carolina Wren Singing away!

Wild Turkey

This is a terrible photo but a pretty funny story. The deer was literally running at full speed in circles early one morning. He just kept going and going!

And that’s it for the week!

Thanks for looking!

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All of the “This Week at the Lake” photos are available for purchase as fine art prints and a portion of the proceeds will be donated to the Friends of Radnor Lake! Send me an email for more info (

This Week at the Lake – 44/52

One more week at Radnor Lake down, winter is tough! I don’t mind going in the cold, it’s just that there is not much to look at! Even the lakescapes seem to be missing so much color:

Also, your probably tired of that view! I’ve taken lot’s of morning shots from this overlook. It’s getting harder and harder to get something different. You pretty much have to hope for something to happen – like the turkey in the lead shot. This is the third time I’ve led with a turkey, but all of those are very different. The road he is on is Otter Creek Road, it’s closed to vehicle traffic.

Here’s a couple more that I feel like I’ve done before:
I’ve shot this (and processed similarly) in the summer time, but it feels very different in winter.

Here’s one I’ve done a couple times but couldn’t remember one in black and white, I think they look awesome!

Here is one I’ve shot many times so far this winter but have never posted because I never really liked how they turn out. Finally I cropped it and it is much more like I envisioned!

And that’s it for the week!

Thanks for looking!

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All of the “This Week at the Lake” photos are available for purchase as fine art prints and a portion of the proceeds will be donated to the Friends of Radnor Lake! Send me an email for more info (

This Week at the Lake – 35/52

I figured this was an appropriate lead shot this week as we enter November and get closer to Thanksgiving!

I’m posting late today because I got up early this morning to go to…… Radnor Lake! I met up with a few people from the Nashville Photography Meetup Group as well as a few people I met in the Radnor Lake Group on flickr. Lot’s of fun, and good to meet some more photographers. I’ll have those pictures up for next weeks post.

For this week I was only able to visit twice, Wednesday and Thursday. I didn’t get much Wednesday morning because shortly after I got on Otter Creek Road it started to rain on me. Here is what I got before the rains came:

The rest of my shots all came on Thursday. I took a half day off work because it was my sons birthday. I had a few hours to kill before he got home so I headed to the lake. Here is what I came away with on Thursday:

I know I take a lot of these type shots but I really like them!

The clouds starting rolling in right about the time I got to this overlook. They really made for a great lakescape.

One of the few times this lens ever comes off my camera!

I saw this guy sitting there so I would take a shot and then take a couple steps toward him, take another shot and then another couple steps. Just trying to see how close I could get. I think I could have gotten closer but some other hikers came up behind me and he ran off.

Not the best shot, but I had to put this up for the Brentwood Police Captain I was talking to. We were both watching the HUGE buck for a while. He was down in a ravine and never came closer to the path.

More turkeys

One of my favorites from the week….

And that’s it for the week!

Thanks for looking!

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Malcolm MacGregor Photography is now on Facebook, check it out and become a fan!

All of the “This Week at the Lake” photos are available for purchase as fine art prints and a portion of the proceeds will be donated to the Friends of Radnor Lake! Send me an email for more info (